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"Christian is an excellent example of humbleness combined with a desire to grow and apply. His knowledge base expands everytime I speak to him, as he continues to deduce that simplicity is not always easy. He is a great trainer and should not be overlooked

"The decades as a martial artist, fighter, soldier, educator and businessman has presented me with unique opportunities and personal relationships.

I am D.M. Blue a man of 45 years experience in several martial arts disciplines. At present I remain the most long term student / teacher under the banner of L.A. Chinatown JKD as presented by the WNG. It was the year 1977 in which my JKD journey commenced under the auspices of Mr. Tim Tackett in Redlands CA, at the Glencoe Inosanto Academy under Mr. Dan Inosanto, and with my mentor, instructor and friend Bob Bremer. I digress As a member and leader of the WNG, I have been given chance to meet several talented, potentially talented and the not so functional posers. I will attest that my first observation of Mr. Christian Kluge was not atypical. There was no formal pretense; he simply greeted me with competence and hard work. It is rare that one comes across a person genuinely interested in learning, training and actually bettering themselves. Mr. Kluge is a talented and dedicated student, and Jr. level instructor. I am confident that his further studies with our teachers and professors that he will continue to evolve into a thoroughly functional well rounded JKD man."

D.M. Blue

President WNG-JKD, Sr. Full Prof (L.A. C-Town) WNG-JKD “Quidquid Ad Finem”


"With the exploration of several disciplines, Christian Kluge projects the essence of Martial Arts principles and continues to work hard in The Art of JKD.  If you're ever near Rothenburg, Germany, I recommend you begin training with Christian as his skills as a Martial Artist and Coach will help guide you to the next level."

Octavio Quintero

The Art of JKD Instructor



"Christian Kluge is my student and friend.  He stands out among many other practitioners as a man the not only learns, but continues to work until he can put into practice what he learns. I am proud to have him represent our group and me personally in the Art and Science of Jeet Kune Do."

Jeremy Lynch

WNG Senior Full Instructor



"Christian Kluge was one of the most well prepared students ever to travel to our Southern California headquarters for training. He spent two years studying the online learning materials before arriving and could recall important details about how we perform and apply techniques from those lessons. That familiarity combined with previous years of JKD training under other teachers made Christian an ideal candidate to become an Apprentice Instructor under the JKD Wednesday Night Group and Chinatown JKD.


During this initial phase of training, I spent the better part of ten days with Christian and was able to see that he not only had knowledge and experience but also the physical talent to really make JKD work. We put him through some intense training sessions and he was always able to meet the challenge.


After hosting Sifu Jeremy Lynch for a workshop back in Germany and attending the official JKD Wednesday Night Group annual training camp here in the United States, he returned to California to continue his studies in Sifu Tim Tackett's garage with myself, Sifu Dennis Blue, and a group of our 3rd Rank students. He once again exceeded expectations and performed exceptionally well during our sparring sessions. Christian also had the opportunity during that visit to teach at the Wednesday Night Group in front of Sifu Tackett and Sifu Lynch and was awarded the rank of Assistant Instructor.


Being a Full Instructor myself under the WNG, I have only issued ranking to a very small group of individuals. Christian Kluge was the first to receive an Instructor rank from me. He is the student I am most proud of, one of the best training partners I've had the pleasure of working with, and someone I truely admire in the martial arts. Anytime I visit Germany my first stop will always be to train with my friend Christian Kluge and I highly recommend that you do the same."

Mike Blesch

WNG/Chinatown JKD Full Instructor

"Kennst Du diese Art Mensch, die einen Raum betreten und einem sofort

sympathisch sind? Als ich im Jahr 2012 mit einem Tag der offenen Tür, meine Kampfkunst Schule „Blue Dragon – Lausitz“ eröffnete, ging es mir auch so. Ich hatte durch meinen Trainer Tarek Z. schon tatkräftige Unterstützung, zu diesem Highlight. Tarek sagte mir, das er einen neuen „Schüler“ hat und dieser auch vorbei kommen wolle. Und so war es auch. Äußerlich nicht der größte aber einen riesigen Charakter. Christian Kluge! So lernte ich Ihn kennen und das was Er erreicht hat, ist noch größer! Sein Fleiß und Ehrgeiz, seine Zuverlässigkeit und Loyalität sind Eigenschaften eines Menschen die ich besonders schätze. So haben wir mittlerweile einige Seminar zusammen organisiert und durchgeführt. Immer

wieder zusammen trainiert und unzählige Stunden über Methoden philosophiert. Entfernung spielte dabei nie eine Rolle! Ganz im Gegenteil sie verbindet uns sogar. Mit seinem Wissen, und der Fähigkeit dieses auch zu vermitteln, ist Christian genau der Trainer der Dich auf das nächste Level bringt."

Robert Krahl

JKD Instructor Blue Dragon Lausitz/ The Art of JKD Lead Mentor unter Octavio Quintero



"Christian Kluge, schätze ich nicht nur als ausgezeichneten Kampfkünstler und Vertreter des Jeet Kune Do, sondern auch sehr als Mensch und Freund. 
Wenn ihr aus Rothenburg oder Umgebung seid und Interesse an der Kampfkunst habt, nutzt die Gelegenheit und lernt von Christian."

Frank Le Chau

JKD Instructor PSV Karlsruhe e.V./ The Art of JKD Mentor unter Octavio Quintero


"Christian Kluge is a great trainer, has a lot of in depth knowledge about JKD, and most importantly he is always there to help and to answer any questions that you have."

Nick Kravaritis

Chinatown JKD student senior 2nd trainer rank


© 2021 by JKD Trainer

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Christian Kluge

Am Fischhaus 7

91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Landkreis Ansbach/ Bayern

Tel.: 0171 - 6410876


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